Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Something EVERY young mom should know...

My husband was working 14+ hour days, while I was at home with a 2 year old who did not nap and a newborn who was up all night...all I could do was constantly feel defeated.

Fast forward 3 years: I now have a Kindergartener and a 3 year old.  I am sleeping all night (most nights), and even have time in the afternoon to myself (even if it is just 20 minutes to take a real shower alone!).  

I wish I could go back to my sleep-deprived, weepy, discouraged self of 3 years ago, look her in the eye, and with genuine sympathy tell her it really does get better.  Others who went before me often said, "This time will pass", or "Enjoy them while they are little".  It was said as a passing encouragement, but it meant little when in the thick of the sanity-sucking cycle of caring for a young family.  

To all my mommy friends who are feeling defeated, exhausted, and discouraged, with genuine love, I want you to know:

It REALLY does get easier, people don't just say that, it REALLY is TRUE.  

There will be a day in the NEAR future where you will have a full-night's sleep again.  

There will be a day in the NEAR future where you will have some alone time

There will be a day in the NEAR future where you will feel like a human again.

There will be a day in the NEAR future where you will have a clean house

Until then, take heart! No one else in the whole wide world could be a better mother to your babies! God picked YOU for a reason: You're so strong, loving, kind, compassionate, hardworking, and selfless!

Tonight, as you prepare to get up multiple times to feed your sweet little one, or change another dirty diaper, or wonder how long it will be until you get a shower, just know that this tough season will pass.  You can do it! There is no faultless method, magic fix, or universal solution for being the perfect mom, just keep doing what you're doing,  and know that You Are Loved!

A mom who's "Been there"

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