Thursday, January 9, 2014

Now I have so much more!

It seems like a recurring theme with the mommies I hang out with, the idea of what we “used to be” or have before we had kids.  There is nothing wrong with thinking about the past, but these conversations always seem to be laced with negatives of how we can’t get our bodies back, go out spontaneously with the hubby, or sleep in anymore.

 I am a natural “glass half empty” kinda girl.  Not to say that’s always bad, but in the New Year, God has challenged me to stop romanticizing the past and take stock in the things I have now! So I thought it would be fun to make a list:

  1. I USED TO have no stretch marks, NOW I have a body that God has blessed to carry children and see the reminder of His miraculous gift to me as a woman every day when I look in the mirror

  1. I USED TO be able to sleep in every weekend, NOW I am awoken with little kisses, laughter, and joy of a wondrous new day by my toddlers VERY early every day

  1. I USED TO have time to read real adult books, NOW I get to instill love of reading in my own children by reading silly, funny, and simple kids’ books

  1. I USED TO have a meticulously clean house, NOW I get to play tea party, dress up, and legos all day without worrying about those pesky dust bunnies!

  1. I USED TO go the grocery store and leisurely stroll around without a list and just enjoy shopping, NOW I have 2 little assistants who help me see the world in a fun way, and save me time by making the trips short

These are just a few little ones, but I challenge you to do your own list and be thankful that God has given you the awesome gift of looking at your world in a whole new way

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