Thursday, April 3, 2014

What does your tag say?

I am a bargain hunter, to say the least.  My favorite place to shop for clothes is thrift stores.  I needed some new "lounging" pants, so I bought the most comfortable pair of yoga pants I've ever worn.  They are soft, stretchy, and fit me perfectly.  As I was pulling them up, I noticed the tag read "Maternity Pants".  Since I am done with that stage of my life, I didn't want that tag in my drawer.  I know it sounds silly, but for some reason just seeing it makes me feel badly about myself physically.

So what's a girl to do? Well, instead of just getting rid of those comfy pants, I just cut out that menacing tag.  Now no one will ever know (except my blog readers, shhh!!!). The problem is, deep down, every time I put on those pants, I know what the tag once said.

Today during my devotions, God brought that pesky tag to my mind...What sinful things in my life are so cozy that I don't call them sin anymore? What things have I "cut the tag" out of so I don't have to see the sin and change my behavior?

I cut out my "Pride Tag": I often omit details in situations where I may look weak or foolish, in order to preserve my ego, but at the expense of the entire truth.  I do it sometimes now without even noticing it, because it is more comfortable to leave out my shortcomings, than to admit I messed up or need help.

I cut out my "Gossip Tag": I ask others how people are doing, so I can "be in the know" about what is going on.  That always ends up in a conversation that is negative.   I should just call the person and ask myself, but it's easier to just talk about them.

I cut out my "Impatience Tag": My 3 year old loves to help me with household chores, but oftentimes she makes a bigger mess or takes so long, I get annoyed.  Instead of practicing patience and loving guidance, I flip on a movie so she will not bother me.

As I began to pray, God lead me to my Verse of the Day:"So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin" James 4:17

All of these sins used to bother me, much like that maternity tag, because I knew they were wrong and did them anyway and that made me uncomfortable.  But living the way God has called us to is not comfortable,  so why do we feel like it should be? We know what is right, yet justify away our behavior so we can be more cozy in our sins.

I challenge you to ask God help you answer the following questions: 

What is so comfortable that you have forgotten it's a sin?

What behaviors have I altered to accommodate sin in my life?

What can I do to step out of my comfort zone for Christ?

Also, if you are looking for a great study about Sin, check out "Sin Makes You Stupid: There's a Better way to Live"  (Kindle Version is just $1.99!)

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