Breastfeeding: Cover it up, Momma!

Here's my take on the whole "Breast feeding w/o a cover" Thought....

As a mom who has breastfed both of my sweet children for a longer time than average (over a year with my first and about a year with my second), I'm aware that I'm the rare exception to this argument. I did breast feed my children in public, but fully covered.  I didn't do this because I was ashamed of my body, but rather for Modesty's sake! I understand that this may come out sounding bad, and some of you are already foaming at the mouth, ready to shoot me a quick response, but if you really step back and think about it, it makes sense!

Let me explain: You are at the mall with your teenage daughter, she sees the latest fashions in the window-a low cut top and skirt that leaves little to the imagination.  She begs you to buy her this top, but your response is a shirt like that doesn't cover nearly enough.  She argues and you go on to explain that God has made her beautiful inside and out.  She doesn't need to be wearing a low cut top to be the amazing woman God has created her to be.  All of this is true-and although my daughters are still young, I am sure that before I'm ready, this conversation will be taking place in my house!

Now, what does any of that have to do with censoring breastfeeding photos or covering yourself in public while breastfeeding?  Quite simply, whether you like it or not, God created your breasts for more than one purpose (a purpose we encourage our teens to hold off on until marriage) Your breasts are not ONLY to give food to your child-although that is one obvious reason we, as women, have been given these miraculous body parts, God has also given them to us for the sensual enjoyment of our husbands.  I am not being graphic, or overstating, it is the truth and one, as mothers, we often forget! In the midst of being exhausted, spit up on, and missing our "pre-baby bodies" we often forget that our husbands still find us immensely attractive, even if we don't feel that way when WE look in the mirror.

God designed our bodies to be desirable to men, especially our breasts, and gave them to us as  married couples to enhance our inter-marital relations.  In fact, in Song of Solomon (chapter 7:3-13), Solomon describes his lovers breasts with poetic and breath-taking language, never mentioning their OTHER main purpose of feeding babies.

I can hear many of you saying, "Men should be able to control themselves" or "It's disgusting that they would think about THAT when they see me feeding my child" or "They could just look away-if they're uncomfortable it's their problem".  It is true, we should expect men to have self control, to recognize that using our bodies to feed our children is a beautiful gift that God has given us, but that isn't the whole story and we need to keep that in mind!

As for the modesty argument, the Bible very clearly outlines modesty, 1Timothy 2:9 "Women should adorn themselves in respectful attire, in modesty with self-control".  I know that it may not seem immodest to feed your child and some of you may even think "you can't really see anything".  You may believe that is true, but think about the care you put into choosing what you wear! I know that I personally stand in front of the mirror and bend, wiggle, and jump to make sure that everything is where it should be just in case I have to climb into a play place in a rescue my little one-I don't want to be the mom who is showing off inappropriate body parts.

I am not suggesting that women who don't cover themselves are trying to be sexual or show off, but I would encourage you to consider this: 1 Corinthians 8:9 "But take care that your right does not become a stumbling block to the weak."  I don't personally have teenage boys, but I did teach high school.  I can tell you that teens (especially boys) very often lack the capacity and mostly the maturity to separate sexual images from others, however harmless those images seem in our adult minds.  So, I challenge you: before you pull out your breast in public, look around and survey who is there.  If you happen to notice a man or a teenaged boy, take out a blanket and cover yourself. 

Do you have the right to feed your child in public uncovered or post pictures of yourself feeding your children, absolutely! All I'm saying is that as women of God, we should be considering those around us who may not understand, may be weak, or may simply need temptation removed. 

Please don't post any mean or angry comments.  I know that not everyone agrees with my opinion on this-in fact I am guessing that I'm in the minority when it comes to this, but remember that no matter what your choice is in this matter, we should all be proud and feel blessed that God has given us, as women the amazing ability to do this for our children!

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