Tuesday, February 17, 2015

10 things every Mom should say to her daughter

I have 2 daughters and as I strive to be the best mom I can, here are a few things that I think every mother should say to her daughter! Some of them are simple, some of them are a bit more difficult, but they are all important for her to hear! 
Love your fellow Momma,

10 Things EVERY Mom should say to her Daughter

1.) I love you-This one is obvious, but when you think about it, when was the last time you said it to her in a meaningful way?!

2.) I am listening-So often, we get caught up in making sure everything is getting done, she understands all the directions, or is just doing what she is supposed to, that we forget to truly listen and process the answers to our questions.  She may be trying to tell you something important or just testing the waters to see if you're really listening before she opens her heart and shares.  Don't miss out on an opportunity to hear your daughter's heart, rather than just her words.

3.) You are beautiful inside and out-In a society that constantly bombarding our girls with images of unattainable perfection, it is important that we are constantly building them up.  God made her with true inner, lasting beauty and we need to remind her of that when she looks in the mirror and doesn't like what she sees.

4.) It's OK if you don't like me right now-If you're doing your job as a parent, there are going to be moments of tension, strife, and arguing.  That's just the way it works.  Let your daughter know that she doesn't have to LIKE you, she can be angry, but it's how she expresses that anger and engages with you that will help her learn from this time of disappointment or punishment.  

5.) I know your life is not easy-As adults, we tend to trivialize what our kids are going through, but it's important to remember, to them, this really IS A BIG DEAL! It's not a competition, it's her growing through the tough stuff and if she's sharing her frustration with you, turn it into an opportunity to encourage her and feed her spirit! 

6.) I am proud of you-So many of us are very proud of our kids, but do we really express that to them verbally? Even as adults, we crave hearing this, so start it when she is young.  That way, whenever she does anything she will never have to wonder that you will build her up for making a good choice, big or small.

7.) I want you to make your own choices-Sometimes it's difficult not to come to her rescue.  Just tell her what you would do or what she should do, but don't.  Someday you aren't going to be around, so she needs to be encouraged to think for herself.  With you there to help encourage her choices, she will soon become someone who can think all the way through possible good and bad consequences of her choices.  

8.) I do not want to control your life-So, maybe you DO want to control her life, but God didn't give us kids so we could control them, He gave us kids to bring us closer to Him and so we could point them to their life's calling from Him as well.  Just make sure that you let your daughter know that God wants to be in control of her life.  This is also a great challenge to you as her mom to model that in your own life! 

9.) You are an amazing person-Women are so often terrible to one another, even when they are friends (Frenemies? Seriously, who thought that would ever be a real thing?!), but your daughter needs to know that no matter what others think of her she was created in the image and likeness of God, which makes her an amazing creation.  

10.) You are not me! This one is tough! We've all made mistakes and sometimes we parent in a way that demonstrates our fear that our daughter may repeat those mistakes.  It's well intentioned, we are just trying to save them the heartache our mistakes have given us, but we need to let her know that she is her own person.  She is not defined by your mistakes (and in Christ, neither are you).  So encourage her to find her own way, even if it's not a path you planned for her life! 

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