Photo by: Tom Harpootlian
Tomorrow my parents retire from more than 33 years in the ministry, words could never truly capture the eternal impact their ministry has had on so many! Here are just a few words to honor both of them!! Dear Mom,
So often, people forget that it's not just a Pastor who is called to serve, but his wife as well. Throughout the years you have been Dad's biggest cheerleader, but so much more than that. You have been an example of Godliness, holiness, and grace. You've used your gift of compassion to speak the hearts of women others have overlooked, you've used your gift of prayer to encourage others who've lost hope, and you used your gift of frugality to save everyone LOTS of money.
Growing up, you always made everything LOTS of fun! From moving across the country to meeting new people, you always made sure everything we did was a true adventure. And boy, did we have some adventures!
No matter what was going on at church, work, school, or home, you prayed. It didn't matter how small or huge seemed, you would sit us down and lead us in prayer over it. That true active faith in your life has had such an impact on my heart and relationship with God. I've never doubted for a moment that God can take care of everything because over and over in our lives, you always make sure we know that He can do anything, if we are faithful.
I always remember knowing that we weren't at church because it was Dad's job, we were there because God called all of us to serve Him. You constantly encouraged each of us to find a way to serve using the talents God has given us. You made sure we knew that God made us special not because we were good at something, but because we were His! Your servant's heart is an example of Jesus' love in a way that no words can ever describe.
Dear Dad,
Throughout your ministry you have always done what God has called you to do. You have preached His word in adversity, you have encouraged men to be the leaders God has called them to be, and you have kept the faith. In times of great joy, you gave glory to God; In times of great struggle, you gave glory to God; In times of great uncertainty, you sought God's wisdom and always handled every challenge with integrity. Your desire for evangelism has brought entire communities to Christ. Your cool enthusiasm for reaching the lost has inspired others in ways that you can't even begin to imagine. Your WOW factor made church cool, but more importantly, it made God real to so many who would've otherwise never thought to call out for a savior.
Your preaching is not just fun and entertaining, it is rooted in a Biblical calling to make sure your congregation knows their gospel, their God, and their Savior. It was about so much more than simply introducing them to Jesus, it was about maturing disciples so they can understand God's gift and calling in their lives. You've mentored many men who are now serving in ministry because you helped them see God's eternal plan for their lives. Your steady, strong, and God seeking personality has lead congregations to do amazing things and see God in new, creative ways. The scope of your ministry cannot be measured here on earth; Your ministry, family, and friendships have been a constant example of the Godliness all Christians are called to.
You never just preached about God's word, you have always lived it-from your unconditional love, to your unwavering faith, I always knew that your relationship with Christ is not only genuine, but the driving force behind everything you do!