Saturday, December 13, 2014

Your Treasure is in Heaven!

Photo by: Tom Harpootlian
Tomorrow my parents retire from more than 33 years in the ministry, words could never truly capture the eternal impact their ministry has had on so many! Here are just a few words to honor both of them!!

Dear Mom,

So often, people forget that it's not just a Pastor who is called to serve, but his wife as well. Throughout the years you have been Dad's biggest cheerleader, but so much more than that. You have been an example of Godliness, holiness, and grace. You've used your gift of compassion to speak the hearts of women others have overlooked, you've used your gift of prayer to encourage others who've lost hope, and you used your gift of frugality to save everyone LOTS of money.

Growing up, you always made everything LOTS of fun! From moving across the country to meeting new people, you always made sure everything we did was a true adventure. And boy, did we have some adventures!

No matter what was going on at church, work, school, or home, you prayed. It didn't matter how small or huge seemed, you would sit us down and lead us in prayer over it. That true active faith in your life has had such an impact on my heart and relationship with God. I've never doubted for a moment that God can take care of everything because over and over in our lives, you always make sure we know that He can do anything, if we are faithful.

I always remember knowing that we weren't at church because it was Dad's job, we were there because God called all of us to serve Him. You constantly encouraged each of us to find a way to serve using the talents God has given us. You made sure we knew that God made us special not because we were good at something, but because we were His! Your servant's heart is an example of Jesus' love in a way that no words can ever describe.

Dear Dad,

Throughout your ministry you have always done what God has called you to do. You have preached His word in adversity, you have encouraged men to be the leaders God has called them to be, and you have kept the faith. In times of great joy, you gave glory to God; In times of great struggle, you gave glory to God; In times of great uncertainty, you sought God's wisdom and always handled every challenge with integrity. Your desire for evangelism has brought entire communities to Christ. Your cool enthusiasm for reaching the lost has inspired others in ways that you can't even begin to imagine. Your WOW factor made church cool, but more importantly, it made God real to so many who would've otherwise never thought to call out for a savior. 
Your preaching is not just fun and entertaining, it is rooted in a Biblical calling to make sure your congregation knows their gospel, their God, and their Savior. It was about so much more than simply introducing them to Jesus, it was about maturing disciples so they can understand God's gift and calling in their lives. You've mentored many men who are now serving in ministry because you helped them see God's eternal plan for their lives. Your steady, strong, and God seeking personality has lead congregations to do amazing things and see God in new, creative ways. The scope of your ministry cannot be measured here on earth; Your ministry, family, and friendships have been a constant example of the Godliness all Christians are called to. 

You never just preached about God's word, you have always lived it-from your unconditional love, to your unwavering faith, I always knew that your relationship with Christ is not only genuine, but the driving force behind everything you do!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I let other people raise my kids...???

     Photo Credit: Aubrianah Shannen Photography, Lynchburg, Va 2013

This post was written by my sister, Colleen Larkins.  She is a working mother of 2 and has a great perspective on something that many of us stay at home moms don't think about.  Enjoy!

It was normal small talk type of conversation, then I mentioned I am a working mom,  her response:"I could never let other people raise my kids, but everyone is called to something different.” 

I felt the air being sucked out of my lungs. I didn’t know how to respond.  I was a new mom and my heart ached every time I left my son. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect this to be anyone’s view of me, that I let other people raise my kids. All the sleepless nights, endless diapers, and hours spent rocking my restless infant came crashing in on me.  I was new to this mom thing and I had no idea this was a statement that I would hear over and over again in the next five years.  

Time has caloused my once sensitive Mommy heart and that comment no longer sends me into a depressed mindset.  It still bothers me, but it doesn’t destroy me like it once did.  Because the truth is I have an irreplaceable role in my kids' lives, I am their mother-the only one they will ever have, so it IS my husband and I who are raising our kids.  

It is true that my children spend days with caring, loving daycare providers and teachers.  Those wonderful women give snuggles on cranky days, wipe noses, change diapers and give correction, BUT at the end of the day my kids come home with me, their mother, who loves them unconditionally in a way no one else ever could. These nurturers help in raising my kids, they do part of the job, but if you walked into a daycare or school and asked the teacher “are you raising these kids”  they would say “No”.  Not because they don't want to offend the parents whose children they care for, but because they know that raising kids is not just a job, it is your whole life. 

As a parent, you don't get to simply punch out at the end of the day, or call someone else to manage the little ones when you aren't feeling well.  Despite the fact that these teachers spend the days with my kids, they aren’t the ones waking up with them in the middle of the night when they have bad dreams.  They aren’t the ones cleaning up bucket after bucket during the stomach bug.  They aren’t the ones snuggling them in the evening to talk about how he got left out at school.  They aren’t the ones that decide what my children are taught about life. They aren't the ones who love my child unconditionally.

Maybe you had no idea how bad those words hurt.  I get that, I have learned, after the fact, that something I said hurt, it’s not fun.  Maybe you need to justify a role you play in life, but the truth is you don’t.  You made a decision based on what’s best for your family, and so did I.  No matter the reason you have said this in the past or think it today, please friend refrain from saying it again.  Show your fellow Moms some compassion and love, instead of cutting them down.  Being a mom is the toughest job in the world-whether you're home with your children during the day, or work outside of the home, we are all just doing our best.  Let's keep that in mind and think about each other's feelings before we speak about someone else's choices.  

That Mom who works…

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Freedom's Tears

Tears are swift to come, but slow to leave when my soldier is away
Every day, apart from you, all I can do is pray

Even the little things make my world seem so lonely
But Freedom is worth a sacrifice of time with my one and only

I know this time will pass. We will see each other again
Until then I wait and understand Freedom has demands

Freedom is not soft and comforting as resting in your arms
Her price is oh so high and puts you near to countless harms

But when I feel like losing faith and crying endlessly
I know that true Freedom is for so many more than me

So please, Dear Soldier, stay safe and free from fret.
Know I will carry on each day, but I will never forget

Each night as I lay me down, my tired head to sleep
I miss you more than words can say, and sadly, still I weep

God dries my tears while I dream and each day I start anew
Praying, hoping, knowing, I'm one day closer to holding you.

Happy Veteran's Day! Thank you to all who serve or have served to protect our freedom.  Thank you to all the families that sacrifice so much to support those who keep us free!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

God has my email address

I got an email from God this morning. 

This past year has been crazy for us! 1 year ago, I was on my second month alone in Baltimore, with 3 kids (one of whom was a 13 year old exchange student from Spain), getting ready to drive 22 hours w/ the kids solo to spend 5 months in Florida, in a place I'd never been, living in an apartment that was not ours.  

Together, our family returned to Baltimore in late January, only to find out that my husband was leaving, once again, for 2 1/2 months in Alabama.  This time, the girls and I decided to stay put, and try to pretend we had some type of "normal routine".  He returned in late May and we were ready, once again, for a regular routine....

Then, two weeks later we received word that we are moving to St. Louis, but don't have a set departure date yet. 

When I married my husband, I knew he was going to be in the military and that meant moving a lot.  When we had children, I understood that I would be doing a lot of "single parenting".  When we settle some place, I know that it's not forever, however, this past year has been a lot even in terms of a military family expectations.

I am a very OCD, plan ahead, know the next step kinda person.  So, as you can imagine, every time we move is a challenge for me.  Especially this time b/c we are moving some place that neither of us would've chosen ourselves. 

I have been in full speed ahead, checking the internet for houses, looking at school ratings, and feverishly scribbling on my calendar the plans for various departure dates, since we've not "officially" gotten a move date yet.

I had no intention of blogging today, in fact, I got online to do some more unsettling, inconclusive house/area/base research. When I opened my computer, I had an email from God, or rather, a "verse a day" site-A site I never signed up on.... 

Today's verse:

Philippians 4:6-7 New International Version (NIV)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

So I am done, I am done looking at houses, worrying about schools, and feverishly staring at my calendar hoping something will make my plans concrete.  As if planning could give me the peace that I crave: The peace that I can only know from God.  I am going to let The God of Universe take care of it.  I am not going to allow Satan to steal that peace and throw me into chaos, doubt, and uncertainty.  I don't need to know where we're going, when we're going, or how it's all going to work out.  I only need to know that God has amazing plans for me.  

So here is my prayer today: "Thanks, God, for the email.  Sorry I've been worried, unsettled, and doubting of all the plans you clearly have already taken care of! Guard my heart, and give me Your peace!" 

I challenge you to also pray that prayer of peace! Whatever your challenge of today is, give it to God, ask for His grace, and rest in His peace.  

Friday, June 27, 2014

Recipe for perfume/Room Spray using flowers in your own yard!

I am not an extreme DIYer, but this is a super easy and fun thing to do with your kiddos!

I used our Magnolia tree flower petals, but you could do this with just about any flower that has a pleasant scent (or even combine multiple flowers)

List of Supplies:
-Flower petals (picked, removed from stem, rinsed clean)
-1 pot of water
-Large Strainer
-Large Pitcher
-Large bowl
-Spray bottle (you could use a large cleaning type spray bottle or several smaller perfume type bottles depending on what you want to do with the perfume/room spray)


STEP 1: pick your favorite flowers and harvest the petals.  Pull the petals off of the stem, rinse them with cold water

STEP 2: Cut the petals into small pieces (about the size of a dime)

STEP 3: Prepare to boil-For every 1 cup of petals, you need 2 cups of water.

STEP 4: Put water and petals into the pot, cover, bowl for 15 minutes (should be a rolling boil)

STEP 5: Pour entire mixture into a large pitcher to cool for 30-45mins (it doesn't have to be room temperature, just cool enough to work with)

STEP 6: Put strainer on top of a large bowl, Pour mixture through the strainer, the petals will stay in the strainer, the liquid in the bowl underneath is the pure, good smelling stuff you want. (We had fun squeezing every little bit of liquid out of the gooey petals, if you have younger kids, this is the most fun part for them-or at least it was for mine!)

STEP 7: Pour  liquid into your spray bottles and use.

SIDE NOTE: I like to put the cooked petal pulp into my garbage disposal-it makes it smell great.

Once you've divide it up, you can use the liquid as perfume or to spray on various surfaces in your house (as a Febreze type alternative).  I have used it on my carpets, linens, and body with no trouble.  If you are using colorful petals (and end up with colorful liquid, make sure you test it on something before you spray it all over the fabric surfaces in your house to make sure it doesn't stain!).

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wedded Bliss?!

Today we celebrate 8 years of marriage...I wish I could say getting here was easy, or fun, or super romantic all the time, but to be perfectly honest, it has been the hardest thing I've ever done (and will continue doing with my life!)

My husband is an amazing man.  I am 100% sure that God made him just for me.  He is strong in all the ways I am weak, he is quick to listen and slow to anger, but most importantly, he loves God with all of his heart.

So, why has marriage been such a challenge for me? Well, I am a VERY strong woman.  I was raised to know who I am, support myself, and always follow God.  None of those things is bad, but in knowing so strongly who I am, I often fail to appreciate who God has made my husband to be.

My husband is a strong, quiet, fiercely loyal person.  He forsakes no one, which is one of the reasons I fell in love with him.  I never doubted (nor have in our entire marriage, nor will I ever in our future) how much he loves me, cares for me, and really wants me in his life.  That is an amazing thing-I know my husband loves me unconditionally.  But in my acceptance, sometimes I get flippant and even annoyed, with this blessed unconditional love.  I have often failed to return this unconditional love.  I have taken advantage of something so many people are hungry for.

 When thinking about why I do this, I realized I didn't really understand what God meant when He made woman for man.

Genesis 2:18 says, "The LORD said, 'It is not good for man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him'."  My interpretation of this, early in our marriage, was that I am around to help my husband be a good father, do well at his job, or just be "good" at life.  Pretty literal and shameful interpretation for an English teacher who analyzes everything!

A while back we had a very turbulent time in our marriage.  I was so busy being selfish and needy, that I was not helping him or myself be anything but miserable.  As I began to pray about it, God gave me an insight.  I am not a theologian, but I can tell you what "Helper" really means in this verse (at least to me).  It means everything I do with him or for him should HELP point him to God.  Not to himself, myself, our kids, or his job-No! Everything I do should HELP point him to God.  With true and genuine encouragement EVERYTHING I DO SHOULD HELP POINT HIM TO GOD! That is a pretty huge calling on a wife's life!

 I know that (Biblically) men are called to be the spiritual leaders, and I'm not combating that here.  What I am saying is, have faith in your husband! Have Faith that he is leading the way God is calling him! Don't  just passively follow him because you are bound to him-HELP POINT HIM TO GOD by encouraging him in the choices he makes to follow God's plan for your family!

In my selfishness, I was not pointing him to God, I was pointing him to me.  When he responded by pointing me back to God, I got angry. As soon as I realized my calling is to help point him to God (not to me), it became easy.  Not, "we never fight", "I never complain" easy, but "I can do this because I know this is God's path for my life" easy.

I try my best and slip up more often than my awesome husband deserves,  but after 8 years in 4 states,  with 2 kids, and another upcoming move, I have learned a few ways to do this (in no particular order).

I encourage all my fellow wives, to pray through the list below and see where you can do a better job.

-In that moment you feel like saying "That's a stupid Idea" or "I don't want to do that" or "How is that going to work" In your snarky, judging tone.  STOP! Say a silent prayer and just listen.  

-Initiate sex with your husband A LOT! (yup I just went there!) Remember when that was all you could think about? Now, you're busy with jobs, kids, whatever life has you doing.  You are the ONLY PERSON that your husband can enjoy in that way (and vis-versa) SO make sure you're making an effort to encourage him to enjoy you that way!

-Do one little thing he likes every day.  For example: my husband enjoys when I fold his shirts a certain way-it takes a little longer and I don't see the point, BUT I fold his shirts the way he likes so when he opens the drawer, he knows I made a little extra effort so he could have it the way he wants. Simple, but effective!

-Pray for him! Pretty self-explanatory

-Be Quiet.  I am a talker, so when there is a silence, I feel the need to fill it.  It drives my husband NUTS that I'm talking all the time, so I try very hard to sit quietly and wait for him to start a conversation (I don't always succeed, but he can always tell when I'm at least trying and it makes him smile!)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Little Godzilla Ruined My Day!

As a military spouse, we face extended times of separation.  During those times it is the job of the people left behind to take care of the families of the soldiers who are gone.  We do everything from mowing lawn to babysitting in order to make sure long times apart are a little bit easier.

My family chose to help another family who was facing an 6 month deployment.  We were happy to jump in.  We didn't know each other very well, but when you're military, you're family.  When that spouse calls, you answer, no matter what! 

The girls and I were getting ready for a picnic with my husband's unit and their families.  Translation: we were all bathed, hair done, cute outfits (and I'd even managed to put on some make-up, which is a VERY rare happening in our house!) and ready to go.

Just as we were on our way out the door, I received a frantic phone call from the spouse who we were supporting.  I automatically feared the worst: the loss of our soldier.  After calming her down enough to understand what she was saying, I was relieved to find out that her husband was fine, but the family lizard was not.  

Yup, that's what I said: The family lizard died! 

After taking a deep breath myself, to process what she'd just said to me, I asked what I could do to help.  She immediately responded that I should come over.  So, without hesitation, I loaded up the kiddos and over we went.

I had no idea what the expect, but when I arrived, she was hysterical.  After calming her down, I asked what she would like to do with the lizard.  She wanted to bury it.  So, we got a box and shovel and out to the yard we went.  She gave me the shovel and, through her crying and mumbling, pointed to the spot she'd like the lizard buried....Looks like I'm the one digging the hole!

So here we are, me (in a super cute sundress and flip-flops w/ full done hair and make up) in the 100 degree heat, digging a hole for some random reptile's final resting place, whilst Little Godzilla's owner is sobbing uncontrollably.  The excavation took about 15 minutes, we lowered the box into the hole, I covered it up and turned around to walk inside.

I thought the weird part of this situation was over, after all, the lizard was in his final resting place.  NOPE-Now I'm asked to say a few words and perhaps a prayer.

At this point, I had no idea what to say, but being the good Pastor's Kid that I am, the 23rd Psalm just started coming out of my mouth....

When I had finished residing over Little Godzilla's funeral service, it was time to leave.  I was SUPER late to the picnic and had to tell my husband and his boss 3 times what had happened b/c no one could really believe I was now officially a reptilian reverend.

In the end, I am happy that in her hard time, I was able to help.  It was weird, but I will do anything for my military sister!  I just hope that next time it doesn't involve any reptiles! 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dear Bottle Feeding Mommy,

Dear Bottle-feeding Mommy,

You are doing an amazing job! Having a baby is the most challenging adventure you will ever take on as a woman.  You are loving and nurturing your baby every day and night, despite the lack of sleep, inexperience, and huge changes, you are succeeding (and it does get easier!).

I know that every time you take out a bottle in public, you feel a sense of dread.  I know that you wonder if the looks from other moms are looks of disappointment and disapproval.  They are not.  You are doing the best for your baby.  I know that not breastfeeding is a hard choice that you very seriously considered. Maybe you work and after trying to pump, in a dark room so many times a day, you just couldn't do it anymore.  That's OK, you are not cheating your baby by bottle feeding.

Or maybe for you, it was not a choice.  Perhaps you tried everything and your body or baby didn't cooperate.  You've agonized, lost sleep, and cried countless nights with a baby at your breast that was losing weight and still would not eat from you.  I know you didn't make this choice lightly or decide to bottle feed b/c you just thought it would be easier. You tried so hard, but in the end, it just wasn't meant for you and this baby.

Rest assured, us breastfeeding moms are not better than you and we are not judging you.  We are lucky it worked for us.  We are blessed to have that experience, so that is why we share our thoughts, pictures, and encouragement with you, perhaps naively at times.  Maybe we've said things about it that have hurt you, I am sorry, our intention is NEVER to hurt another hard working, caring mom.

Your sweet baby doesn't love you any less b/c you snuggle her, lovingly in your arms, with a bottle instead of a breast.  She is still your baby, she is still bonding with you every time you hold her, feed her, and talk to her.  You are not robbing your baby of any of your love by not breastfeeding.

There is not a "Breastfed" or "Bottle fed" box to check of on your child's college application.  No one asks in a job interview if your child was breastfed or bottle fed.  You are raising a baby who is going to be a meaningful part of society, breastfed or not. So take a deep breath, and stop feeling guilty.

Next time you take out that bottle in public, know that we are all in this together, us Moms! We are trying our best to do what we can to love and nurture our kids.  Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks about you not breastfeeding! You are a great mom and you're doing great at the most difficult job in the world.

Love and Sisterhood,
Breastfeeding Mom

Friday, June 6, 2014

Christians are mean!

I must preface this by saying this is not meant to be a complaint, but rather, an encouragement to true believers.  I love how I grew up. I have amazing parents. God showed our family great favor b/c of my father's integrity while he faithfully lead and my mother's true joy in submission to both my father and God.

I am a PK (Pastor's Kid).  I spent most every day inside the church building.  We used to jokingly say that if the doors were open, we were there, and even when the doors were closed, we were still there.

Because of my family's fierce devotion to God's calling, I have seen the gross underbelly of the church-the people who do anything to hurt those in charge, others so self-centered they choose to follow their own will rather than God's, and worstly, those who hurt us personally in order to feel better about sin in their own lives.

I am not suggesting my family was perfect.  We argued, we (mostly me in my teenage years) yelled, and there were more than a few slammed doors (again, those teenage years, YIKES).  But we always knew that the unconditional love of Jesus is what governed our family, our relationships, and our actions.  Despite rarely seeing that love manifested in a meaningful way in our interactions with church members.

That love, that glorious, unconditional, SAVING love of Jesus is what we as Christ-followers are called to.  Period, no if's, and's or but's about it! The sad thing is, I can count on one hand the number of times I actually saw that love conveyed within our various church families....

Which leads me to understand why so many of my PK counterparts have walked away from the churches they were raised in.  Churches have failed us-we have been taught about rules and rituals, but never been truly embraced and loved by those who were following our fathers' Godly leadings.

I am not suggesting that all churches are like that, but let me share a few of my own experiences:

In my pre-teen and teen years my Sunday School teacher actually called me a whore b/c of the dress I wore one Sunday (which my mother bought me and was more than modest!).  On another occasion, a girl in our youth group bought tickets for everyone to attend a Christian concert, but said to my face (in front of the whole youth group) that she didn't invite me b/c I was the PK.  I also had someone stalk me daily at school, intimidating me, yelling horrible slurs about my family and me b/c their family didn't like the new direction God was leading the church after my family's arrival.  (And these are only a few of the crazy ways I experienced church life.)

My parents were always quick to defend us.  They held us to THEIR Godly standards, not the expected standards of PK perfection (which are unattainable even for most adults).  They made sure we knew that we were accountable to them and God, not others.  For that, I am very thankful, as I believe it is the main reason I didn't just give up on these "crazy Christians" and walk away.

I still go to a Bible preaching church.  However, I have a difficult time volunteering to serve.  I am paralyzed by the idea of getting too involved and thus, ending up back on the "inside" where everyone's dirty laundry or hidden agenda, become the focus....

I know other PKs, who are now adults, and literally have anxiety when going to church.  Concerned that they will be hurt by people who call themselves Christians, but then act otherwise.

As a result of my experiences with Christians,  I don't want to be a Christian.  It's become an ugly word to me-and most of our society these days.  A word that means you say one thing and do the opposite, or you harshly judge others so you don't have to look at your own sin.  I don't want to be a hypocrite-I want to be someone with a real relationship with my God and Savior.  I want to be a Christ-follower.

I spent many hours praying this through with God.  I have come to truly appreciate those in my life that were genuine Christ-followers.  The ones who stood up and did what was right.  The ones who were not drug down by misgivings, and falsehoods of others only in the church to seek their own human satisfaction.

Those people, like my parents, various youth leaders, adopted grandparents, and family friends, are the ones I am blessed to know.  The ones God used and continues to use in my life to keep me on His path.

I now look at our most turbulent times with a new, eternal perspective.  I know God allowed me to see these things so I understand how to be real-not "I am following all the rules to be a good Christian" real, but "I'm broken and can't survive today without Jesus' love" real.

I pray that someday I will be able to volunteer in a church, fully committed to serving without opening up things in my past that have hurt so badly, but for now, I know that's part of my brokenness.  Part of my long, bumpy road to eternal glory and someday, by God's grace, I'll get there.

I didn't write this to discourage you, or complain about my tough experiences.

My intention is simply to challenge you to do 2 things:

1.) Look at what your actions are saying-Are you a TRUE Christ-Follower? What in your life demonstrates that you are?  Be real with yourself and God, but also be real with the people you go to church with.  Even when you think it's too ugly, complicated, or big, share it with the world-you never know who might be encouraged by your struggle and/or encourage you through your struggle! That's what true Christ-followers do for each other (it's in the Bible, folks! Hebrews 10:19-25 is my favorite for this one!)

2.) Uplift your your Pastor.  Be the love of Jesus to his family, you may be the only one doing that.  Satan attacks those who love God and are doing his work, so if your pastor is leading your church in a Godly direction, Satan is going to do all he can to stop that! Don't stand by silently and let Satan beat your pastor down-instead, stand with him, love him, encourage him, and know that it has an eternal impact.

Everything we do should have an eternal impact! Be a Christ-Follower in all you do.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

What does your tag say?

I am a bargain hunter, to say the least.  My favorite place to shop for clothes is thrift stores.  I needed some new "lounging" pants, so I bought the most comfortable pair of yoga pants I've ever worn.  They are soft, stretchy, and fit me perfectly.  As I was pulling them up, I noticed the tag read "Maternity Pants".  Since I am done with that stage of my life, I didn't want that tag in my drawer.  I know it sounds silly, but for some reason just seeing it makes me feel badly about myself physically.

So what's a girl to do? Well, instead of just getting rid of those comfy pants, I just cut out that menacing tag.  Now no one will ever know (except my blog readers, shhh!!!). The problem is, deep down, every time I put on those pants, I know what the tag once said.

Today during my devotions, God brought that pesky tag to my mind...What sinful things in my life are so cozy that I don't call them sin anymore? What things have I "cut the tag" out of so I don't have to see the sin and change my behavior?

I cut out my "Pride Tag": I often omit details in situations where I may look weak or foolish, in order to preserve my ego, but at the expense of the entire truth.  I do it sometimes now without even noticing it, because it is more comfortable to leave out my shortcomings, than to admit I messed up or need help.

I cut out my "Gossip Tag": I ask others how people are doing, so I can "be in the know" about what is going on.  That always ends up in a conversation that is negative.   I should just call the person and ask myself, but it's easier to just talk about them.

I cut out my "Impatience Tag": My 3 year old loves to help me with household chores, but oftentimes she makes a bigger mess or takes so long, I get annoyed.  Instead of practicing patience and loving guidance, I flip on a movie so she will not bother me.

As I began to pray, God lead me to my Verse of the Day:"So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin" James 4:17

All of these sins used to bother me, much like that maternity tag, because I knew they were wrong and did them anyway and that made me uncomfortable.  But living the way God has called us to is not comfortable,  so why do we feel like it should be? We know what is right, yet justify away our behavior so we can be more cozy in our sins.

I challenge you to ask God help you answer the following questions: 

What is so comfortable that you have forgotten it's a sin?

What behaviors have I altered to accommodate sin in my life?

What can I do to step out of my comfort zone for Christ?

Also, if you are looking for a great study about Sin, check out "Sin Makes You Stupid: There's a Better way to Live"  (Kindle Version is just $1.99!)

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Letter to your Congressperson about NOT cutting Military benefits

We are military family.  Last week, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel released the Department of Defense's part of the 2015 budget.  Those cuts mean that military families will now be shouldering much more of the cost of healthcare and living expenses, while also limiting cost of living raises.  With so many other areas of waste in our system, I am having a hard time with the idea that military families are considered (by the government)  an appropriate place to make up those costs.  In response, I have drafted a letter below to my congressperson.  If you are military or former military,encourage you to use this letter to contact your congressperson as well.  at the end of the letter, there is also a link where you can find the names and contact information for your representatives.  

Dear Congressman NAME HERE:

I am a military spouse.  Like many other military families, we face long separations from our loved one, frequent relocations, and living a life of complete service to the country we love.  I am very proud of not just my husband's service, but my family's service as well. I am writing to you because I am greatly concerned about the changes to military healthcare, basic allowance for housing, and pay raise limitations proposed by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel in the 2015 Budget.  

I understand that budget reform is desperately overdue.  I support the idea of reform, but not on the backs of our soldiers.  There are many areas where costs can be cut that don't take away from military families benefits.  

I ask that you do not approve these cuts when the 2015 budget comes to the floor for debate and vote "No" on any cuts directly affecting military members healthcare, basic allowance for housing, and pay raise limitations.  I encourage you and your colleagues to work with the Military Officers Association of America, as well as the Office of Veteran's Affairs to work together to make budget cuts in areas that will not risk the financial stability of our soldiers and their families.  

"Service Before Self" is not just a pledge my husband has made to his country, but one that our entire family holds close with every move, separation, and time of uncertainty-which are quite frequent in our service.  I ask that you serve us as diligently as military families have served our country.  Do not allow these cuts to military benefits to pass. It is up to you, our elected officials, to make sure military service can continue to be our focus, rather than concerns about rising healthcare and living costs.  

I thank you for your time, consideration, and service to the American people.  

Kimberly Rodriguez
Wife of Captain Matthew Rodriguez USAF

Find the name, email, and mailing address of your local Congressperson on this site.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Morning Talk with God

Tother day I found myself thinking "Man, those people made horrible choices and look, they ended up with everything better than me, and I've done all the "right" things and still can't seem to catch a break or get what I want"

YIKES! how terrible that sounds when you say it? We replay that horrible sentiment back to God, as if He must not know how "good" we've been.

But truly consider how you sometimes may feel that too-the guy at work who is a total jerk gets the promotion over your hard working husband; That teenage girl who is suddenly pregnant, while you and your husband have been praying and trying for years to have a child of your own; The family down the street in all kinds of careless debt gets to just walk away from their house, but you put all your hard-earned money down on your house and now cannot sell it to move on to the next stage in your life. It's not fair, why would God allow that or give those people the things you so desperately yearn for.  

As I was praying about our future, I pulled that "It's not fair!" 3-year-old whiny stuff with God.

His answer was instant-He said,  "Kim, why do you even worry about her-You are a sinner just like her! Look at all I have given you-how sad that you're missing what I'm really showing you.   When I make you wait or saying "No!" to the things you THINK you want, it is because I have something so much better for you!! I will take care of all of the things that weigh on your heart, but you have allow Me to do it, not you, not the world, ME!"  

I thought about what God told me during our prayer time,  the question I kept thinking, was "Why?" not "Why did God answer me that way" but "Why do I feel the need to constantly ask Him for something more or greater than what I already have?" 

The answer is humbling: I am selfish and unthankful.  No mincing words here-God has given me so much, so much that others pray for and sometimes never get.  I have a Godly husband, wonderful children, enough money to stay home with my kids and still provide comfortably for the entire family.  More than that, I have a God and Savior who has something so amazing for me, that my human desires can't even imagine its greatness!  He has answered all of those prayers with abundance, so why do I continue to wonder if what He's doing for someone else means He's not doing for me?! I know He's got this-He always has and even in my greatest moments of disappointment, He's brought me things I never would've thought to ask for, better things! 

So I am working on being truly thankful: Heart Thankful.  The "God, I am thankful that YOU are in charge and I will not doubt that what you are providing for me is exactly what I need for Your plan in my life, even if I don't understand it now!" Because true Heart Thankfulness is actually true faith and joy as well! 

I encourage you to also pray the Heart Thankful Prayer above! Let's see what God reveals as we follow him in full faith, joy, and thanks! 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Now I have so much more!

It seems like a recurring theme with the mommies I hang out with, the idea of what we “used to be” or have before we had kids.  There is nothing wrong with thinking about the past, but these conversations always seem to be laced with negatives of how we can’t get our bodies back, go out spontaneously with the hubby, or sleep in anymore.

 I am a natural “glass half empty” kinda girl.  Not to say that’s always bad, but in the New Year, God has challenged me to stop romanticizing the past and take stock in the things I have now! So I thought it would be fun to make a list:

  1. I USED TO have no stretch marks, NOW I have a body that God has blessed to carry children and see the reminder of His miraculous gift to me as a woman every day when I look in the mirror

  1. I USED TO be able to sleep in every weekend, NOW I am awoken with little kisses, laughter, and joy of a wondrous new day by my toddlers VERY early every day

  1. I USED TO have time to read real adult books, NOW I get to instill love of reading in my own children by reading silly, funny, and simple kids’ books

  1. I USED TO have a meticulously clean house, NOW I get to play tea party, dress up, and legos all day without worrying about those pesky dust bunnies!

  1. I USED TO go the grocery store and leisurely stroll around without a list and just enjoy shopping, NOW I have 2 little assistants who help me see the world in a fun way, and save me time by making the trips short

These are just a few little ones, but I challenge you to do your own list and be thankful that God has given you the awesome gift of looking at your world in a whole new way