Monday, October 28, 2013


I realize that a lot of my stories revolve around misplaced bodily fluids-believe me, if I had a choice, that wouldn’t be such a prevalent topic, but with toddlers, well, that’s what happens.  I love them more than I could express, but kids are gross.  I am convinced that God makes them cute so we forget how yucky they are!

I repeatedly tell my husband that I can’t wait for the day when mine is the only bowel movement in the house I have to be concerned with-those will be glorious, poop-free days, but until then, I shall plug my nose, avert my squeamish eyes, and power through….or so I tell myself every time I start to smell something funky brewing!

On this particular day my sister and her family were visiting.  I have a 3 year old nephew, Caleb, who is very sweet.  My daughter, Natalie, and him just love playing together-they are funny and when I see them it reminds me of my sister and I playing when we were little. 

After playing all morning, Caleb was ready for a nap-he’s an extraordinary sleeper (I’m SUPER jealous b/c my Natalie hasn’t napped since she was about 13 months old).  After about 2 hours, we began to hear him stirring in Natalie’s room.  I went up to check on him and that’s when I saw something so hilarious and gross at the same time I didn’t even know what to say….

He was sitting on the step stool, reading a book, with his pants at his ankles, pooping through the hole in said step stool-I asked what he was doing and he said, “I had to poop in the potty”.  He was being toilet trained on one of those little plastic potties that sits on the floor, so this stepstool was confusing-it was plastic, on the floor, and had a hole in it-It was practically BEGGING to be pooped in, really!

So my obvious response was to simply laugh out loud-I mean, if it was my kid, I would have to be the questioning, scolding, responsible one, but since I’m the cool aunt (yes, self proclaimed) I could react the exact way I wanted to-then call HIS mom to deal with the poop! I know, not very sisterly, but lets face it, I shovel enough of my own kids’ poop (both literally and figuratively) it was someone else's turn and the selfish part of me was happy to see I’m not the only one!!

As a mom, I often feel like I must be the only mom ever forced to deal with the yuckiness that comes along with little kids-as if mine are just exceptionally more gross than others!   This was a good reminder that we ALL have to deal with this kind of stuff! We’re all in it together, so if you make it through the day without the inevitable “poop storm”, be thankful and then think of me, b/c if it’s not your day, that probably means it’s mine!

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