Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Here we go...

So I guess I've finally given into the pressure to start a blog about my life....I know there are about a million+ people who write about their lives every day, but I thought this would be a fun way to create a tangible journey story for my life and my kids :)

So let's start with the basics, for those of you who don't know, I love God with all my heart and truly believe he is with me always! I'm the wife of an Air Force Captain and mother of 2 sweet little girls (Natalie is 3 and Annie is 1).  My family currently lives in Maryland, but as with most military families, it's temporary, or maybe not, who knows, it's always up to Uncle Sam-in the last 6 years of our marriage we've live in Arizona, Texas, Florida, and Maryland!

So this blog is just going to be about my life experiences.  I like to think that some pretty strange, funny, and weird things happen  in my life-I always hear the phrase: "I've never seen that before" or "I've never heard of that"or my favorite "That never happens"....but somehow it DOES happen to me and my family, but never in the "WOOOHOOO, We won the lottery" kinda way, more in the "Oh, that broke for no reason" kinda way :) We call it the Curse of the Irish, since my Dad's family is Irish, that came to be our silly catch phrase! This is not to say I will be complaining, but more jesting at the crazy things that happen and hopefully you'll be able to laugh with me or at me in some cases too :) 

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