Sunday, December 8, 2013

What is that Brown Stuff on your hand?!

We LOVE Nutella in our house-it borders obsession really, so we eat it in some form or another pretty much every day! I don’t pretend to believe that’s good for me, but man, it just tastes SO good no matter what you put it on!

Anyway, it was a normal Tuesday morning-getting up early to get Natalie ready for school.  She asked for Nutella with toast on it-yea, I wrote that correctly, after all, it’s the Nutella that’s the important part! So I get her the Nutella with toast on it and give Annie, my 2 year old, a bowl of cereal, as per her request.  I always wanted to be one of those “hot breakfast every morning” moms, but well, cold cereal and toast is where we’ve landed, and I am totally fine with that-oh the grand ideas you have BEFORE you actually have kids!

The girls finish their breakfast and we’re off to get Natalie to school.  On the way, I hear the girls giggling in the backseat b/c Annie keeps “Ripping-one” (thanks Grandpa for teaching her that!) and is going poop in her diaper-For my regular readers, I told you I’d end up back in the bodily fluids genre sooner or later! They’re laughing at every little noise that Annie is now making a good effort to squeeze out.  I had to laugh along, kid’s giggles are just too sweet, no matter what their reason!

As we pull in to Natalie’s school, she begins to yell “EWWWW!” I asked what was the matter and she explained that Annie somehow ended up with poop on her hand.  I get Natalie out of the car and investigate this brown substance on Annie’s hand-just as I turn to grab a wipe, she shoves her hand in her mouth and says, “It’s OK, Mommy, No, poop, just Nutella like Natalie’s breakfast!”.  I am paralyzed with disgust, but before I can yank her hand out of her mouth, the mysterious brown substance is already licked clean, with Annie making a weird face, but still saying, “YUUUUUMMMM!” 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Kids are GROSS!! If it was Nutella, how on earth did Annie get it on her hand? She ate cereal, so that means she would have been playing with Natalie’s mouth? I guess, I don’t know.  If it was poop-Nope! Can’t even go there with my brain! I guess we’ll never know if it was poop or Nutella-the evidence seems clear, but with toddlers is anything ever really what it seems? In this case, I choose to believe that Annie’s love for Nutella trumped her grossness….Either way, I’m still shuddering with a BIG case of the Yuckies over this one!

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